March 7th provides a shield to one ally with her skill. Her E6 allows shielded to get healed each turn. This is actually better than zhongli's C6 as zhongli's C6 requires getting hit for the heal to proc, whereas March's E6 will heal automatically at the start of the turn. And although this is embarassing to mention, this is obviously better than baizhu since baizhu needs 80 energy to provide a weaker shield, whereas Morax and March can provide a shield via skill.
In Genshin, the shield is shared across the whole team. But in HSR, each character can have their own shield. Perhaps Genshin can introduce the idea of individual shields for each character. Then what March can do is create a special shard that drops on the ground (like a crystallize shield or bloom core). A character can pick it up and gain an individual shield.