Jean Gunnhildr (琴·古恩希尔德), or simply Jean (琴 Qin), of the Knights of Favnoius, is one of the best healers in the game.


Elemental Skill

This can yeet enemies and be used to cause fall damage. Whether the skill lifts enemies depends on the weight of the target and Jean's level. As with other Anemo characters with similar vacuum effects, Jean should be leveled (no less than 20 levels below the enemy level) to lift targets.

Elemental Burst

Heals a lot and has high scaling when cast. Also creates a field that does damage, heals over time, and applies anemo inside. This can be used to remove Azhdaha marks and other Ley Line effects. It can also be combined with Bennett's q (which applies Pyro) to shred Electro Lector shields with Pyro swirl (as swirl will apply strong 2B gauges). Costs 80 energy.


With her A1, normals have a chance to heal all party members, which is nice. Her A4 refunds 20% energy when using her q, effectively reducing the cost (by 16) to 64 energy.


Her c4 makes her q reduce Anemo RES by 40%, which is great for Xiao.


Build her like a normal dps since her healing scales with total ATK. 4p VV is usually her bis, but on some teams that don't need VV swirl (like Xiao teams), 4p noblesse or 2p VV/2p glad are also fine.

4p clam is viable but usually not recommended. The VV or noblesse set will typically provide more support value to the team. Note Jean ascends with healing bonus.

Weapons: Aquila Favonia, Skyward, Festering, Favonius. Swords with ER and high ATK are great for Jean.


Any team that needs VV shred and a healer


Assume 4p vv with 61.6% anemo dmg bonus and level 10 E and Q. Her E has 6s cd with scaling 525.6%. The dps is $$x_E = 525.6*(1.616)/6 = 141.5616$$ Her Q has 20s cd with scaling 764.64%. Assuming one can spam on cd, the dps is $$x_Q = 764.64*(1.616)/20 = 61.782912$$ The total dps from E and Q only is $$x = x_E + x_Q = 203.344512$$ which is good enough for a healer (it is around the level of a c0 Xingqiu). Note this ignores any possible swirl damage. It also ignores any possible fall damage caused by Jean's E. Note sometimes fall damage can be significant for certain enemies.


Jean is known as the Dandelion Knight (蒲公英骑士 Pugongying qishi). In the context of Genshin and the Yuan dynasty, this epithet has an interesting sound to it. Pu Shougeng (蒲寿庚) was a Song and Yuan dynasty Muslim merchant. Pu sided with the Mongol Yuan to defeat the Song dynasty. The Yuan then appointed Pu as the coast guard and supervisor of maritime trade of Fujian. He also held government posts in surrounding provinces such as Guangdong and Jiangxi.

In the late Yuan dynasty and when the Ming dynasty rose to power, the Ming dynasty banned Pu's descendants from holding government office, accusing Pu of defecting from the Song to serve the Yuan. Pu's family was also tortured and persecuted. If anything this shows what type of society the Ming dynasty was: xenophobic, backward, closed-minded. That Jean has higher stats than baizhu and is a better healer also reflects the Ming dynasty's poor legacy.

The fact that Ayato exposes Matsuura (松浦 Songpu) in the story quest Cypressus Custos is a kind of irony on the relationship between the Song dynasty and Pu Shougeng.

The name Pu (蒲) may derive from Arabic Abu (meaning father). Pu's ancestors may have migrated from Arabia to Guangzhou (and then moved to Quanzhou, Fujian). Other theories propose that Pu's family came from Central Asia or even Champa.

The 英 is just a bonus that might not mean much, until you consider that the British (英国) defeated the Qing in the Opium wars.