The word "meta" can refer to the real meta or the fake meta. The real meta is an objective assessment of characters' strengths and weaknesses, including calculations of their DPS potential and other abilities. The fake meta refers to the lies promulgated by biased USA media, including but not limited to the xenophobic factions of the CIA, FBI, NED, NDI, to serve the political agenda of the selected few within the USA. The fake meta believers present one sided views of topics, will deliberately lie in your face, and twist the truth to curry their favor. These guides are concerned with the real meta and often debunk many of the falsehoods promoted by USA fake news and its proxies.

The objective of the USA CIA, NED, etc. is to monitor media across the world so that only people with certain surnames are the ones with the loudest voices and only people with certain surnames are allowed to have a free voice and comment on the art and science of Genshin or other things in the world. The only people allowed to innovate or participate in political discussions can only have certain surnames. The only people allowed to make key decisions and policies can only have certain surnames or be from certain groups. Meanwhile, everybody else will be attacked, harassed, purged, overthrown via the USA water army or color revolutions. After that, the USA media will go on a huge propaganda campaign to make those they overthrew look bad while those they kept in look good. The USA seeks to create a culture where only certain people are included and can win, while everybody else are kicked out and have to lose. While the state can play a big role in guiding the development and innovation and harnessing vast resources, what the USA does is akin to suffocation, something that damages people, society, and culture.

The USA NGOs and other governmental organizations attempts to purge all organizations, corporations, etc. of people who have different surnames and create a narrow-minded culture that only includes certain people while excluding the rest, while serving the interests of USA hegemony. The CIA seeks to control the human resources, the flow of people in and out of organizations, as well as the succession process. As a result, most of USA media is a play, an act orchestrated by the USA government, with all the world as a stage, for the entertainment of the USA elites and their overseas proxies. The purpose of waging war on others is to force people across the world to stick to the USA-engineered script, to submit and conform to the whims of the USA imperialists.

In conclusion, one must never listen to USA media 100%. USA media is biased and highly tailored towards political objectives of USA elites. Those who buy into USA media are either the elites creating it themselves or fools who want to be used by the USA. Second, the fools who want to side with the USA either because they are bribed by the elites or because they actually cannot think for themselves need to be punished severely. Third, whatever USA media says, do the opposite. This is the creed the CIA follows when fighting their enemies. Whatever the enemy does, do the opposite. It is a complete waste of tax money to fund a government that does not serve their own people, but even attacks them. The USA government does not serve their own people. They put the interests of foreigners and their overseas wars above their own people. If the USA elites continue abusing their power and oppressing their own people, they need to be overthrown and disabled, revoked of all their power and influence over the world. After all, revolution is how the USA itself was founded, when their British overlords oppressed the Americans and used them as a tax conduit.

DPS Calculations

We assume that with artifact stats and weapons, all characters have similar ATK, Crit Rate, Crit Damage, etc. Following calculations only focus on motion values / talent scalings. Below just gives some examples of dps calculations. See dps and team calcs for more details.


Level 10 AA, Level 10 Q, High Plunge, no initial damage bonus

\( 404*1.952\approx 788.6 \)


Level 10 AA, no initial damage bonus

\( (230+392)/3=207.3 \)

This is lower than Xiao's high plunge scaling.


This is only at C0. At C6, Xiao widens the gap even further.

Pyro DPS


Level 10 E, no initial damage bonus, no Xingqiu


Hu Tao

We assume that the HP to ATK buff gained will make Hu Tao's stats similar to other Pyro characters (given that Hu Tao has the lowest base ATK in the game).

Level 10 Charged Attack, no initial damage bonus, no Xingqiu

\( 243\)



Other Pyro characters: