Wanderer (流浪者 Liulangzhe) is better than kazuha. Wanderer, also known as Scaramouche (散兵 Sanbing), Fanglangzhe (放浪者), Balladeer, Kunikuzushi (国崩 Guobeng), Kabukimono (倾奇者 Qingqizhe), Shouki no Kami (正机之神 Zhengji zhi Shen), Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom, Mr. Bohemian Rhapsody, Mr. Fandango, Straw Hat Luffy, is the 6th of the harbingers.

He destroyed kazuha and yoshinori's clan. For this alone, Wanderer deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. Like how the Qing armies hunted the house of Zhu to oblivion, we got to hunt down yoshinori and every one of their descendents to extinction.

Wanderer was betrayed thrice, once even by his 'mother' the Raiden Shogun (Beelzebub). He was a prototype for the electro archon, but was discarded. He then journeyed to Sumeru, where he became the Shouki no Kami, an artificial god wielding the power of a gnosis. But then the traveler and Nahida defeat him at the Sanctuary of Sarusthana.

It is clear that Wanderer is a complete upgrade and powercreep of kazuha. Kazuha cannot even last that long in midair given how impotent his and yoshinori's genes are. Meanwhile, Wanderer can levitate, making him one of the most unique characters in the game. It is almost sad that kazuha got discarded and fell off long ago, compared to actual meta units like Xiao and Wanderer.

More importantly, Wanderer MADE ANEMO GREAT AGAIN (MAGA). Anemo supremacy was golden from the start with chad characters like Xiao, Venti, Jean, Sucrose. But it took a hit with the introduction of impotent virgins like kazuha, sayu, and heizou. With the introduction of Faruzan and Wanderer in 3.3, those inferior genes have been diluted, and Anemo is once again the ultimate gigachad element.

Kazuha is a pretender, the copycat. His NA is called Garyuu Arts (我流术 woliushu), but Wanderer is the actual OG 流浪者 liulangzhe. If kazuha is the virgin cuckold who got kicked into the islands of Japan, then Wanderer is the chad Xiongnu chanyu who dominated the northern Eurasian steppe, influencing the politics across the vast Eurasian continent for centuries and eons since the Han dynasty.

Among the Inazuma anemo characters, Scaramouche is the best, and kazuha is the worst. Wanderer is an excellent replacement for kazuha. Kazuha will retire, die out and go extinct.

To act like a Machiavellian M&A specialist doing a reorg, put kazuha and nori at the bottom of the org chart and corporate hierarchy. Make kazuha directly report to Sucrose so that there are many layers of management between the peasants and true Anemo gods. Make kazuha a busy boy, fetch coffee and print papers for the real bosses. Assign him low visibility projects to stifle his career progression. Or more simply, demote and fire kazuha and cancel what meager compensation he gets. This is as good as corporate culture gets: to oppress and eliminate anyone close to the crook nori, to make nori the antagonist of the novel, to make public opinion and everyone shun nori.


Wanderer's NA and CA have good AoE. His E allows him to levitate and gives him a blue stamina bar with a number of kuugoryoku points (sometimes called KP), entering the windfavored (优风倾姿) state. His E multiplies his NA and CA by an extra multiplier (similar to Yoimiya's E). During his E, his NA is called Kuugo Fushoudan and his CA is called Kuugo Toufukai. At the end of his E (when he runs out of blue stamina / kuugoryoku points), he can do a plunge attack for an extra instance of damage. After his E ends, it goes into a 6s cd.

His E is one of the most unique abilities in the game and supports the hypothesis that the fatui harbingers have unique tricks up their sleeves (Childe had riptide or 断流 duanliu, which is an interesting name in its own right).

With his Q he steps on the enemy and does a nuke of damage. His C2 can increase the damage of his nuke quite significantly.

One of Scara's passives buffs him in E mode when he comes into contact with different elements: pyro buffs his atk (+30% atk), cryo buffs his crit rate (+20% cr), electro gives him energy (restore .8 energy for self per NA/CA, proc at most once per .2s), hydro extends the duration (gives 20 more kuugoryoku points).

Generally, it is advised to use the q within the e (near the end of the e). That way the q can receive the buffs from the e through the above passive (increased atk from pyro, increased crit rate from cryo on q). The c2 further encourages using the q near the end of the e as that will maximize the q dmg bonus.

Another passive gives him a certain probability to not consume air stamina when sprinting (accelerating) midair while also firing additional wind arrows. These wind arrows auto-target enemies (like Diona's E, hyperbloom, Yoimiya's CA, etc.) and can even disable ruin enemies like drakes and the blightdragon boss.

The fact that the Wanderer has a passive similar to the echo artifact set (probability of doing additional damage increases) shows how bad the echo set is. Why spend hours and resin farming for a virgin inferior set when you have a character that has a similar effect with higher numbers built into his kit already. If anything this highlights the severe power gap between the Song and Yuan dynasties.

Also Scaramouche will save 50% mora when leveling bows and catalysts. This effect is similar to his 'mother' Raiden's passive, which saves 50% mora when leveling polearms and swords.


Build Wanderer like a dps: ATK, Anemo, crit.

Desert Chronicle artifact (released in 3.3 with Scaramouche) from Sumeru is Scaramouche's bis for dps. The 2p gives 15% anemo dmg bonus, and the 4p gives 40% NA/CA/PA dmg bonus and 10% NA atk spd for 15s after using CA on enemy. But there is nothing wrong with using VV on Wanderer for res shred if playing him in more quickswap teams like Childe international or if using him with autumn sub-dps units like Dehya, Yae, Rosaria, Yelan.

Even the Shimenawa set can buff his damage while he is in his E (at the cost of draining energy). Desert Chronicle's advantage is that it will not drain the energy, which can make it easier for Scaramouche to use his burst more often. Desert Chronicle will also buff Scaramouche's NA atk spd.

The echo set is the worst set to use.

For weapons, his signature Tulaytullah (Toledo), Kagura Verity, Widsith, Lost Prayers, Solar Pearl are all very good options.


Wanderer synergizes with many supports including: Faruzan, Yun Jin, Venti, Yelan, XQ, Beidou, XL, Yae, Candace, Layla, Rosaria, Kaeya, Mika, Thoma, etc. He can even be used with his mother Raiden in a quickswap team as well as Nahida in a dendro taser team (e.g. Nahida, Kuki, Yelan).

Wanderer can join his fellow comrade Childe and replace kazuha in Childe international, much like how Wanderer destroyed kazuha's clan.

Xiao can be used in any team the Wanderer is used in. Xiao can act in lieu of the Wanderer. Xiao can NA, CA, and PA. By contrast, there are mid characters like Ayato that cannot even CA or PA, which severely limits Ayato's versatility and puts him below meta.


We assume level 10 AA, E, and Q. We also assume 61.6+40=101.6% anemo dmg bonus from desert chronicle. In some teams where Scaramouche and Childe are together, Childe can also buff his AA by one level. We will not consider that here.

We ignore buffs from absorbing elements as well as the damage from the wind arrows. In particular, we will consider his E without the hydro buff. We also consider three main AA combos: CA spam, NA spam, and 2N1C (2 NA followed by 1 CA). In practice, the optimal combo may also depend on NA atk speed, dodging, external buffs, etc.

From in-game testing, he will stay in air for around 10s (without consuming any air stamina). The e will then go into cd for 6s. The total cd is then 16s.

During his E, he can spam 9 CA. His CA has 237.74% scaling. His E will multiply this by 143%. This will then become around 340% scaling. The dps from ca spam is $$x_c = 340*2.016*9/16 = 385.56$$ But is this the optimal combo?

Another combo is NA spam. He can do the full NA combo 5 times during his E. His full NA combo has total scaling \(135.83 + 128.52 + 94.18*2 = 452.71\). His E will multiply this by 153.72%. The dps from NA spam is $$x_n = 452.71*1.5372*2.016*5/16 = 438.42$$ This shows na spam does more damage than ca spam. But is this optimal? The advantage of using ca is the massive aoe. We can try interweaving na with ca.

We consider N2C1. The combo has scaling \( (135.83 + 128.52)*1.5372 + 340 = 746.36\) He can do 5 of those during his E. The dps is then $$x_m = 746.36*2.016*5/16 = 470.2068$$ which is even more dps than the other combos. So of the three considered, mixing NA and CA provides the optimal combo. It is plausible that with NA atk spd buffs or using his signature weapon, NA spam becomes more optimal. But in absence of these other buffs, mixing NA and CA can provide a lot of dps. The above alone is Raiden level damage.

When he casts his E, he will also do an instance of aoe damage with 171.36% scaling. This contributes minimal mv of $$x_e = 171.36*1.616/16 = 17.30736$$ At the end of his E, he may also be able to do a plunge attack. The low/high plunge scaling is 224.62% / 280.57%. There may also be collision/midair plunge damage. We will ignore that for now. Let's suppose it is a high plunge for illustration purposes. The mv for that is $$x_p = 280.57*2.016/16 = 35.35182$$ If we combine these two extra instances of damage from the beginning and end of the E, it contributes around 50% mv, which can be non-negligible.

Note above that the desert chronicle buff can last for 15s (so technically it can also last for Xiao's burst). Without the hydro buff, Scaramouche can stay midair for around 10s. With the hydro buff and even constellations, of course he can stay midair longer, and his signature weapon also has a buff that accomodates a duration approaching 15s (hydro buff gives longer on-field time, same cd of 6s, and longer rotation). But for all practical purposes, we assume the chronicle buff will last while Scaramouche is midair and for his final plunge attack (at C0).

His Q has \(264.96×5 = 1324.8\) total scaling. The dmg bonus for this is 61.6% (as the desert chronicle 40% buff applies to AA). The cd is 15s. The mv is then $$x_q = 1324.8*1.616/15 = 142.72512$$

The total dps is $$x_0 = x_m + x_e + x_p + x_q = 665.5911$$ This dps is not just very high, but also top tier for c0 units.

Note this does not factor his wind arrow damage. Nor does this account for buffs from infusion elements (e.g. pyro or hydro infusion). Moreover, in battle, the NA/CA damage while levitating may be less if Scaramouche has to spend time moving around in the air.


This can give a huge buff to his Q damage. Scaramouche starts with 100 Kuugoryoku points in the windfavored state. When absorbing hydro, this increases to 120. With C2, if he uses his Q in his E, the Q will gain 4% dmg bonus for every point lost during his E. The max dmg bonus on the Q is 200% (attained when expending 50 points). This actually gives a lot of flexibility for when the Q can be used. Moreover, it makes attaining the max bonus not too hard in practice.

Assuming the 200% dmg bonus is attained, the dps of the Q is $$x_q = 1324.8*(1.616+2)/15 = 319.36512$$ which more than doubles his C0 burst dps.

The increase in total dps compared to C0 (without factoring C1) is around 27%, which is good. By comparison Raiden C2 (considered a top tier C2) gives around 40% increase. $$x_1 = x_m + x_e + x_p + x_q = 842.2311$$


The C6 will make the NA (Kuugo: Fushoudan) do an extra instance of damage (40% of original) while in E. This increases his NA damage 1.4 times (comparable to Raiden C2). The C6 heavily favors Scaramouche using pure NA spam (as opposed to weaving in CA). Moreover, the C6 will make his NA restore up to 20 points to him when he falls below 40 Kuugoryoku points (thereby increasing point cap from 100 to 120 without hydro infusion or 120 to 140 with hydro infusion).

Recall the dps from NA spam at C0 (specifically 5 NA combos): $$x_n = 438.42$$ Now multiply this by 1.4 (for C6 effect) $$y = 1.4x_n = 613.788$$

We will not assume hydro infusion (as was the case when computing C0 base dps). When 20 points are restored (100 to 120) we assume NA dps increases by 20% (as an approximation). The reason it may not exactly be 1.2 is because when the wanderer has more points, he will stay in the air longer, which increases his rotation time. A more precise multiplier is derived below (hydro buff section), but it turns out to be close to 20% (due to atk spd buffs from C1), which justifies using 1.2 as an approximation: $$z_n = 1.2y = 736.5456$$ This is around 1.7 times more dps than c0 NA/CA dps, which is quite good for a C6.

The total dps is around (ignoring C1, C3, C4, C5 effects) $$x_6 = z_n + x_e + x_p + x_q = 1108.5699$$ In reality this will be higher due to C3, C5 increasing talents levels.

Lv13 E will multiply NA by 161.42% so The dps from NA spam is $$x_n = 452.71*1.6142*2.016*5/16 = 460.38162366$$ Then $$z_n = 1.2(1.4x_n) = 773.44$$ The dps from initial E hit and plunge skill actually decreases (compared to 10s midair) due to longer rotation $$x_e + x_p = (202.3*1.616 + 280.57*2.016)/18 = 49.5858844444$$

Lv13 Q has dps of $$x_q = (312.8*5)*(1.616+2)/15 = 377.02826666667$$ The total dps is around $$x_6 = z_n + x_e + x_p + x_q \approx 1200$$ In other words, C3 and C5 together contribute about 100 mv.

Note the above does not consider the dream wind arrow damage or absorption buffs like pyro, hydro, or cryo buff. Electro buff just makes it easier to spam his Q on cd, which is what we assume above anyways (full efficiency). It also ignores other spd buffs (besides C1) from desert chronicle, etc. Moreover, it ignores the damage from having to use CA to activate the 4p chronicle set effect. In practice, the CA can be used before using E if one wants to spend the E doing NA spam (as for C6). (This does not increase rotation time as Scaramouche has 6s of downtime, so the CA be used during that downtime.)

But still, C6 Scaramouche is around C6 Cyno and C6 Itto level of dps, which is considered top tier for C6 hypercarries.

The most broken thing about C0/C6 Scaramouche is that most of his dps is free (no energy cost) via his E which gives high scaling and has low cd of 6s. Plus he can fly around, trivializing a lot of exploration. Thus, a C6 Scaramouche can destroy and clear most content in the overworld for free (without having to use burst). This is similar to what a C0 Nahida can do when paired with Raiden.

Hydro buff

Scaramouche can obtain hydro buff when paired with Mona or Yelan or if enemy is something like hydro slime/mage or if there is water nearby in overworld. His C4 can make it easier to obtain hydro buff via the random extra buff.

Near a large body of water like a river or lake, his E can absorb hydro and extend duration, making it easier to cross over a large body of water. This is an example of adapting to the environment and just makes Scaramouche so convenient for exploration. As such, this gimmick is honestly one of the most beautiful designs in the game.

With hydro buff, Scaramouche gains 20 more Kuugoryoku points increasing the cap from 100 to 120, and he can stay midair for ~12s compared to 10s (at C0). At C0 he can do his NA combo ~6 times (with C1, 4p chronicle, and other atk spd buffs it becomes easier to reach 7 times, but we will not factor atk spd here). This is compared to 5 times without hydro buff. Thus the increase in total NA damage is 6/5 or around 20%.

However, the rotation time is also longer. He stays midair for 12s, so with a 6s cd, the rotation is now 18s (instead of 16s before). The increased rotation time causes a dampening effect. $$x_h = 1.2x_n*16/18 = 1.067 x_n$$ So the increase from the hydro buff is about 6.7% at C0.

Now consider C1 with hydro buff. If we factor in the 10% atk spd from C1, he can then do his NA combo 7 times in 12s. So the increase in mv is (compared to 5 NA combo): $$x_h = 1.4x_n*16/18 = 1.24 x_n$$ The increase is actually around 24%. The C6 effect also gives 20 Kuugoryoku points (like hydro buff), so using 20% as an approximation is somewhat justified for that.

Staying midair for 12s corresponds to Bennett's 12s burst and C0 Faruzan's burst.

His C6 gives 20 more points, bringing the total to 140 when combined with hydro buff. So at most Scaramouche can stay midair ~14s, which corresponds to the buff of his Tulaytullah weapon. Whether it is C0 or C6 Scaramouche, he can always be buffed by C2 Faruzan's 18s burst as well as 4p Desert Chronicle (15s effect).

There will be 14s on-field time with a 20s cd. We assume that if he can do 5 NA combos in 10s, then he can do 7 NA combos in 14s if we ignore atk spd buffs. The increase in dps (compared to 5 NA combo) is around $$x_h = 1.4x_n*16/20 = 1.12 x_n$$

If we factor in the 10% atk spd from C1 and 10% atk spd from 4p Desert Chronicle, we get 20% atk spd. Suppose then he can do ~9 NA combos in 14s. In this case the mv increase (compared to 5 NA combo) becomes $$x_h = 1.8x_n*16/20 = 1.44 x_n$$

Lv13 E will multiply NA by 161.42% so The dps from NA spam (9 NA combos in 14s) is $$x_n = 452.71*1.6142*2.016*9/20 = 662.9495380704$$ Then $$z_n = 1.4x_n = 928.1293532986$$ The dps from initial E hit plus plunge plus using CA to activate 4p Desert is: $$x_e + x_p + x_c = (202.3*1.616 + 280.57*2.016 + 237.74*1.616)/20 = 63.836688$$ The total dps is around $$x_6 = z_n + (x_e + x_p + x_c) + x_q \approx 1369$$

In general suppose wanderer is in the air for 10+t seconds. He can do one full NA combo every 2 seconds (no atk spd buffs). Thus he can do \((10+t)/2 = 5+t/2 \) NA combos. The length of rotation is 16+t. The number of NA combos he can do per rotation is $$F(t) = ((10+t)/2)/(16+t)$$ The dps multiplier (compared to 10s midair dps) is $$F(t) / F(0) = (1+t/10)/(1+t/16) \le 1 + t/10$$ This ratio is always more than 1. Thus the percent increase in dps is bounded above by the percent increase in Kuugoryoku points. In fact we can derive a tighter upper bound. In the limit as \(t\to \infty \) the above ratio approaches 1.6 from below, so $$F(t) / F(0) < 1.6$$

The reason we computed 24% and 44% above is because we factored atk spd buffs, so say he can do a full NA combo every u < 2 seconds. The number of NA combos he can do per rotation is $$F(t, u) = ((10+t)/u)/(16+t)$$ Moreover, we were computing the following ratio (comparing with 5 NA combos in 10s): $$F(t, u) / F(0, 2) = (2/u)(1+t/10)/(1+t/16)$$ The increase in Kuugoryoku points is given by 1+t/10, so the ratio between the percent increase in dps and increase in points is $$(2/u)/(1+t/16)$$ Treating the numerator as constant, for large t the ratio can become less than 1 and approach 0. So in general one cannot use the percent increase in points to estimate the percent increase in dps.

From above, it seems every 10 Kuugoryoku points correspond to 1s in air (while idle). This is assuming no sprinting/accelerating around.

Pyro buff

In many Scaramouche teams, he will be used with Bennett so he can gain the pyro buff of 30% atk. This is not negligible. If he uses his signature Toledo weapon and is lv90, he can reach 674+328=1002 base attack. Suppose he can reach 2k attack from artifacts (46.6% atk from sands, flat damage from feather and substats). Then the 30% atk buff increases his attack by around 300. With Bennett he gets 1k extra atk. So pyro buff gives increase of 3300/3000=1.1 or 10% to dps (to Q and NA/CA within E).

So combining the pyro buff with a hydro buff for C6 gives total dps of around: $$x_6 = 1.1(z_n + x_q) + (x_e + x_p + x_c) \approx 1499.5$$ which is quite high. Just good luck double-swirling hydro and pyro to activate these buffs.

Cryo buff

Assume Scaramouche has 100% cr and 200% cd. If he gains 20% cr from cryo buff, that is around 40% cv. Assume we can reshuffle this cv (via artifacts) so that we have 100% cr and 240% cd. This gives an increase of 3.4/3=1.13 or about 13% to dps.

So pyro and cryo give a similar buff to dps (cryo is somewhat higher). The hydro buff to dps is a bit less (around 6-7% ignoring atk spd buffs or C6 duration extension) but provides a bit more exploration utility (longer duration for E). Pyro, cryo, and electro are solely combat buffs for dps and efficiency. Moreover, the buffs from pyro, hydro, and cryo are all multiplicative with each other (independent).

With C4, Scaramouche can get up to 3 buffs (1 random). Assuming Scaramouche has enough ER, getting pyro, cryo, and hydro will maximize his dps.

So should a Scaramouche team look like Scaramouche-Bennett-Hydro-Cryo or Scaramouche-Faruzan-Bennett-Cryo? To maximize Scaramouche's dps, one would probably want Faruzan and Bennett. The cryo could be someone like Mika, Rosaria, Kaeya, etc. But using the last slot for cryo may not necessarily yield higher team dps in practice. The above calculation for cryo assumed one can freely shuffle artifacts to optimize for cr/cd stats. In practice this may not be the case, so the 13% increase may actually be different. But more importantly, using a hydro support or sub-dps like Mona or Yelan may be more beneficial to Scaramouche than bringing a cryo unit. Even bringing another pyro like Dehya/XL for sub-dps and pyro resonance (giving 25% atk) can be more beneficial to team dps. Of course, this may change if something like a cryo Mona/Dehya/Yelan/XL (or a cryo sub-dps) releases in the future, in which case pairing them with Scaramouche to activate the cryo cr buff could be worth it, but currently such a character does not exist as of version 3.

Electro buff

Theoretically, if he can restore .8 energy per .2s, that is 4 energy per second. If he stays midair for 10s, he can restore 40 energy. Given he has a 60 cost burst, this makes it easier for him to spam his burst on cd. We assume this energy restoration works similarly to Raiden's burst (like mother like son) and that it is not affected by ER (or else that would be too broken, just give him 150% ER and he can reach full energy). See energy for details.

However achieving the max of 4 energy per second is almost a pipe dream. It becomes easier to achieve with C6 as the extra Kuugo Fushoudan hits with 40% scaling count as NA damage. (Supposedly the C6 extra hits can proc the dream wind arrows too, so Scaramouche will be able to fire more wind arrows faster.)

But otherwise, at C0 if he does his NA combo 5 times that is 15 hits or at most 12 energy restored (Raiden's Q restores 12.5 energy at lv10+ for whole team, and Cyno's C4 restores 15 energy for rest of team). At C6, he can do NA combo say 9 times in 14s with hydro buff and atk spd buffs. With the C6 extra hits, that is 9*4=36 hits or at most 28.8 energy restored. Scaramouche will also naturally generate particles via E and using NA, so his Q becomes really cheap to use.

Wind arrows

While in E mode, each NA/CA has a 16% chance to activate the 'descent' effect. The probability of activating descent increases by 12% for each NA/CA that does not activate it, and the probability resets to the base 16% once activated. With descent active, the next time he accelerates he will not consume kuugoryoku stamina, and he will fire 4 wind arrows each with 35% scaling (total 140% scaling).

This passive encourages dodging midair. The wind arrows home in on targets and can disable ruin guard eyes, drake wings, etc. With c1, 25% scaling is added to the wind arrows (total 240% scaling).

The theoretical maximum dps from this is when each NA activates descent and wanderer accelerates to fire wind arrows each time. At c0 when he does his NA combo 5 times (for 15 hits), this amounts to sprinting 15 times in 10s, which is infeasible. But assume that he could, in which case, the mv would be $$x_w \le 15*140*1.616/16 = 212.1$$ which is actually not bad. However, sprinting 15 times in 10s can interrupt the NA combo, activating descent 15 times has very low probability, so the above is not very achievable.

To be a bit more realistic, suppose wanderer activates descent once per second and sprints once per second. Then he activates descent 10 times in 10s. The mv is $$x_w \le 10*140*1.616/16 = 141.4$$ But still, it takes more than 1s (close to 2s) to complete a full NA combo.

To be even more realistic, we assume he activates descent once every 2s, each time after a full 3-hit NA combo. This is justified as the probability of activating descent on average is around 1/3 (see Markov Chain Effect for derivation). The mv is $$x_w \le 5*140*1.616/16 = 70.7$$ Even then, we are not guaranteed to activate descent after 3 hits or every 2s due to the probabilistic nature of the effect. However, with C6 giving extra hits per NA, it becomes easier to proc descent more frequently.

But basically, although sprinting around to fire wind arrows takes time away from doing NA, the wind arrow dps can make up for some of the lost NA dps. However, relying too much on wind arrows can lead to a dps loss as the wind arrows do not have as high scaling as a full NA combo, the wind arrows have less aoe than the NA/CA, and the wind arrows may get less damage bonus (e.g. not affected by 4p Desert, NA dmg bonuses from things like the Toledo weapon, etc.).


Scaramouche is one of the best characters in Genshin, providing excellent dps and making exploration a literal breeze. He can levitate, traverse terrain swiftly, and is easy to use. He has great horizontal and vertical range, being able to hit enemies far away (~15m away within a radius) and at different heights with ease, his cooldown is conveniently short, and he is one of the most broken characters for exploration. It is fair to say Scaramouche lives up to Liu Che's (刘彻) legacy.

Scaramouche also reminds one of Dong Fuxiang, a general of the Qing dynasty who commanded Muslim soldiers in western China.

Scaramouche's boss theme uses both classical Latin and classical Japanese (as indicated by the use of archaic kana such as ゑ). In the background one can hear chants of amitabha.

Apparently, the 'Wanderer' is also some kind of cross-sell allusion to the Wanderer (the MC) in the Tower of Fantasy game series (similar to Genshin, but made by different creators).

Competition between those in the same industry can lead people to do crazy things, even ignore conventional morality for the sake of profit and attracting the big customers (including the USA CIA), causing a degree of instability in society and leading to a degree of corruption in art and entertainment. This may partly explain the wild rollercoaster ride that was the Sumeru region in 2022-2023. On the other hand, there is something called healthy competition and sportsmanship. The Objectivist Ayn Rand has warned of the poisonous effects of unregulated capitalism on society and art, and this has been illustrated in video games such as Bioshock.

But going forward, we will keep in mind the effect of market factors and competition on the development of Genshin. We do not need to write as if Genshin was the only game that existed or had some monopoly.