
Geo traveler can be used in Itto teams for sub-dps and crit rate buff. Suppose level 13 E and 61.6$ geo dmg bonus (from say petra). Ignore any other buffs (like Gorou's field). The cd is 8s but a passive reduces this by 2s to 6s (a 8/6=1.33 times increase in dps). The dps is then $$x_E = 527*1.616/6 = 141.9386666667$$

With c1, the Q can increase crit rate and interruption resistance (poise). The Q can hit 4 times. Each shockwave has 314.5% scaling at level 13. The cd is 15s. The dps is $$x_Q = 4*324.5*1.616/15 = 139.8378666667$$ The total dps from spamming skills and bursts on cd is $$x = x_E + x_Q = 281.7765$$