According to the conversation with Skirk (Surtalogi's disciple and Tartaglia's master), gnosis are created from the remains of the third descender. Focalors tricked the Heavenly Principles and destroyed the throne of the hydro archon, thereby restoring the stolen elemental authority to the hydro dragon Noctis.

Also Fontaine people were originally oceanids. Egeria fused the primordial water into these oceanids to create artificial veins and humans, similar to mimics. However, they were 'incomplete humans'. Moreover, Egeria was condemned by Celestia for the 'original sin' of creation. And the prophecy is that all the people of Fontaine would be washed away in a flood, leaving only the hydro archon remaining, crying on her throne.

So long as they were 'incomplete' if they came into contact with primordial water, they would be dissolved. But once the elemental authority was restored to Noctis, he regained control over the hydro element and was able to use the dragon authority to grant the Fontaine people true 'blood', similar to how life was first brought into the planet.

According to legend all life in Teyvat was born from this primordial sea.

And thus Fontaine people became true humans and would no longer be dissolved by primordial water.

As for Furina, she was created from a part of Focalors when Focalors separated her divinity from her body/spirit. Furina took the form of a human being with a human body and spirit, while Focalors sealed her divinity into the Oratrice, accruing indemnitium for years to prepare for the final day to stop the prophecy and save the people of Fontaine.

Focalors was originally one of the oceanids who followed Egeria. From in-game lore, Egeria perished in the deserts of Sumeru when she went to fight the abyss, and from her the Gaokerena lotus was created. Recall that Rene and Jakob discovered their bodies were different from ordinary humans (like Carter) based on different results when experimenting with abyssal energies. Given that Fontaine people were originally oceanids mixed with primordial water, then perhaps Rene and Jakob were these kinds of oceanid creatures as well.

Question: is there any relationship between the primordial seawater and abyssal energy?

As for what happened to Focalors, that is admittingly one of the darkest moments in the game.

Something that is also really dark in the game is the bias and favoritism shown to Navia in the 4.3 beta.

Algae Sea WQ

The conclusion to the Narzissenkreuz WQ has given many answers to questions in previous versions. We journey with Seymour, Ann, Cater across the Morte region to restore the Holy Blade of Narzissenkreuz. We enter the Tower of Gestalt (Tower of Ipsissimus), the HQ of the Narzissenkreuz Ordo. Centuries ago, the ordo was declared an extremist group that was shut down and sealed away by Alain and Noctis. And Cater was originally sentenced to Meropide for carrying out a deed for his master, Narzissenkreuz (Rene).

We meet Jakob again at the tower and head downstairs, entering the primordial sea where Narzissenkreuz (Master / Rene) dwells. We take Rene to see Mary-Ann, and the quest ends shortly after with people parting their separate ways, Seymour returning to Mamere, Cater leaving, etc.

We learn several things from this: 1) Rene did turn into an oceanid/tulpa/eidolon being that absorbed the consciousness of others to avert the apocalypse, 2) Rene seems to be aware of the connection between Childe's narwhal and the prophecy, 3) Rene's transformation appears to involve the primordial seawater, 4) Cater does indeed seem to be the reborn form of Carter, the assistant of Alain, and supposedly Rene transplanted Carter's mind into a hilichurl body (in Chinese both Cater and Carter are written 卡特 making the link a bit more direct).

Alain was the genius who invented arkhe and recon log meks (robots). He was also the creator of Seymour.

In the WQ, it is said that Fontaine had become Alain's world. Perhaps it is that Alain and Rene had differing views on how to stop the prophecy. Rene pursued the path of dissolving everyone into a single collective consciousness, whereas Alain appeared opposed to that, instead siding with the rest of Fontaine, the hydro dragon, etc. Eventually, Focalors prevented the prophecy in her own way, and the people of Fontaine were saved from the original sin.


One can complete "Book of Esoteric Revelations" to unlock ??? in Merusea Village. After this is done, the player can access purple looking glasses that appear in Fontaine. Several appear in locations visited during the Algae Sea WQ. There are 6 total. After completing all of them (including the Wake of Narcissus quest), another quest "Through the Looking Glass" will unlock. Completing this will unlock Pursuit. And completing that will unlock Happy Birthday.

Completing the Algae Sea WQ will require completing several large WQ from 4.0 and 4.1, including the Seymour Mamere Merusea WQ, Ann WQ, Unfinished Comedy WQ.

This entire basket of WQ can perhaps be called the Ordo series, involving the story of the Narzissenkreuz Ordo and related characters. Basically the Ordo also researched ways to combat the prophecy (independent of Egeria, Focalors), but this involved human experimentation, transplanting consciousness into hilichurls (Cater), infusing the blood of Elynas, using the power of the abyss (Jakob), and dissolving people into a giant oceanid / tulpa (Rene, Lyris, Mary-Ann).

Apparently among these people, Alain was the one sane enough to side with the Focalors faction. Of this original cast of characters from 500 years ago, it seems Seymour (from Alain), Cater, and Ann/Mary-Ann remain.

What's left in Fontaine's lore?

The Ordo was not the only group in history that attempted to stop the prophecy. Apparently Remus tried something similar using golems even longer ago (during the time of Egeria, Erinnyes, and the Golden Troupe). But this resulted in the downfall of the Remuria empire.

So in the history of Fontaine, the Remuria empire, the Ordo could be seen as side attempts to stop the prophecy. But in the end what truly stopped the prophecy is centered on the story of Focalors and destroying her divinity to restore the authority to the hydro dragon and turn Fontaine people into true humans. Now the rising primordial seawater no longer poses any threat to Fontaine.

And thus what is there left to do in Fontaine? It seems the Fontaine main story arc is mostly complete. What more can we say or explore about it?

We still do not know too much about Arkhe, Egeria, the primordial sea (apparently a sea of stardust), the 3rd descender, Surtalogi, Skirk, the narwhal. And what exactly is the Golden Troupe? Nor do we know much about why Cater's limbs are blackened (yes we know from ??? log that Carter was reborn in a hilichurl body, but why does that make his limbs black or give him increased power of persuasion). And is there any connection between the dark limbs and similar effects like Eleazar from Sumeru? And when Cater says he is a dragon or bloomguard, how does that connect to the 3 realms (human, light, abyss)? If the main Fontaine AQ was focused more on the dragon realm (light realm) and celestia (thrones and archon divinity), perhaps we can learn more about the connection of the abyss to everything in Fontaine (including the Ordo).

Lastly, aside from Childe, the narwhal, and the House of Hearth members such as Arlecchino, Lyney, the Fatui did not seem to be very present in the Fontaine AQ. Instead the AQ seemed much more focused on the transfer of power from the hydro archon to the hydro dragon (to defy the prophecy, Celestia, and the Heavenly Principles). This is in contrast to Liyue, Inazuma, and Sumeru where the Fatui played a much larger role in the story, especially Sumeru's AQ where Scaramouche and Dottore played a very large role besides the main cast (Dehya, Cyno, Alhaitham, etc.). Fontaine's AQ is almost like the Mondstadt AQ, which was focused more on Venti and the dragon Dvalin (as well as Diluc, Jean, etc.), with not much involvement of the Fatui.

Of course, this could just be the storywriters playing favorites and tending to write more on characters they like more. If that is the case, that is actually a pretty serious problem.

But what are the main factions in Teyvat now: there is Celestia and the Heavenly Principles, the Traveler, the abyss twin (and the abyss), the elemental dragons (opposed to Celestia), the archons (supposedly appointed by and aligned with Celestia, but wait look at Focalors), and the Fatui (collecting the gnosis to usurp Celestia as well).

Celestia stole power from the dragons and appointed the archons to rule over Teyvat. So one would initially think that the archons are loyal lapdogs to Celestia. But apparently not, considering what Focalors did, effectively sticking a middle finger to Celestia. Still that does not mean the enemy of an enemy is a friend, as the hydro dragon Noctis still says he will judge the other archons (allegedly for their crimes of colluding with Celestia to steal the dragons' power). What if Noctis and Apep meet? But it seems Noctis will have to stay in Fontaine for another 400 years to help govern the land.

But anyways we at least know one faction of beings opposed to Celestia: the elemental dragons. The Fatui and the Tsaritsa appear to be another faction that shares a similar goal of opposing (and overthrowing) Celestia, harnessing the power of the gnosis (remnants of the 3rd descender) to combat Celestia. The Traveler (4th descender) is also at odds with Celestia and the sustainer of Heavenly Principles. The abyss twin is also trying to harness the power of the abyss to combat celestia. And then there are independent people like Dainsleif from Khaenriah also against celestia (and the abyss).

So why don't they all band together to form an 8-nation alliance and gang up on Celestia?

Anyways, the groups that are opposed to Celestia do share something in common. They are trying to summon a power strong enough to combat the realm of Celestia. The Fatui are trying to harness the power of the 3rd descender (the gnosis). The Traveler is the 4th descender itself. It appears that descenders possess wills that are strong enough to rival an entire world. So the Fatui (with all the gnosis) and the Traveler may be able to possess the power to change the world and combat Celestia. Scaramouche reveals that the Traveler and their sibling arrived to Teyvat due to a summoning. However, only the Traveler became a descender, whereas their twin was not. This may have led Pierro to adopt the plan of gathering the gnosis.

The abyss twin is trying to harness the power of the abyss (which possesses its own will and higher authority than the elements). This may be to compensate for not being labeled a descender as perhaps the abyss may have the power to combat Celestia.

For the dragons, it is about regaining their lost elemental authority from the divine thrones. However, it is known that in the past, the power of the elements may not be enough to overthrow Celestia. Figures such as Deshret also tried using the power of the elements, only to realize they needed something more (and thus perhaps turning to the abyss for that extra power). Chlothar Alberich founded the Abyss Order with the intent of overturning Celestia and the gods. Other than that it is not known how the void realm originated, where it derives its power from, or why it even has the power to oppose the other realms (light realm, human realm).


Thelxie circuit minigame is reminiscent of HSR 1.3 minigame.

Graph Adversarial Technology Experimental Log: Lepin is saved by Charlotte. Perhaps the camera should work with Nahida's E too?

Fungi event: over time skill points are regenerated. It takes 3 sp to activate a special move. The different fungi share sp. So in some ways this game mode is like HSR.


Tranquility is good, but unfortunately the phase 1 weapon banner is bruhmogus. Phase 2 banner (the 'Qi banner') is actually pretty good, including the weapon banner.

Cases of corruption and discrimination in 4.2

We will tabulate every instance of discrimination, favoritism, and bias in 4.2 events, story, and media to provide real time feedback. The more nit-picky and unforgiving other people are, the more nit-picky we will be as well.

People are not punching bags. It seems the real people who have grudges are certain devs themselves. When people abuse their media platform to make political attacks on others, use the actions of one person to punish the group, and discriminate and play favorites based on name, it is a sign that a centralized authority needs to step in and fix the situation. When private enterprise and corporations begin abusing their monopoly over the media to attack the public, that is when a centralized state needs to regulate and audit the industry to ensure social harmony and prevent corrupting effects on society, color revolutions, and disorder.

Moreover, all the choices and attacks made by devs will be reflected in the evaluation of versions. Thinking of this as a test, each case of corruption will result in points deducted from the version's score (扣分).

Ordering of Charlotte, Furina, Noctis in Chinese special program cover indicates discrimination, bias, favoritism based on name.

Ordering of characters in fanart contest (with Cyno, Focalors, etc.) shows bias and discrimination against characters.

Misty Dungeon: the trial characters placed on the 4th day (as well as the characters placed in the 4th position on each day) will reveal the biases and favoritism that certain people have. The characters placed on day 1 and 6 also indicate bias and favoritism of people towards certain characters. These people only want to put their favorites in the 1st and 6th positions and then discriminate against all other characters. It is apparent that certain designers discriminate against characters based on name. The 2022 Misty Dungeon determination trial ordered characters based on element, but the 2023 determination trial did a different ordering. This indicates bias and favoritism, inconsistency and changing ordering to suit personal biases and favorites.

Banners: ok, so Alexandrina and the Brits did save the Ming and Zhu, so it seems that is the interpretation some devs were going for. But to benefit only one part of her name 'rina' without the first part is a scam and injustice. And this does not exonerate the crimes committed during the Ming dynasty.

As such, it has been decided to place a tracker on baizhu. From now on in the future, every version baizhu reruns in will automatically be B/F tier unless the banners are chosen appropriately. Moreover, it would be a good idea to require all gaming devs to write an essay on what happened to Liu Bowen and Liu Jin during the Ming dynasty. Otherwise they can have their gaming license canceled.

Depending on how future version banners turn out, we may place a similar tracker on Raiden as well given that the previous history of Raiden's reruns appears to show bias and favoritism to certain people.

Paimon Stickers: arrangement of characters reveals a lot about the creators' biases. Paimon Sticker Set 28 shows discrimination against characters based on name, bias and favoritism, abuse of power. This has resulted in a penalty for 4.2.

Algae Sea WQ (and Narzissenkreuz WQ in general): contains microaggressions in writing of Al, Jak, Jakob. These microaggressions suggest deep-seated biases, prejudices, and discrimination in the story-writers. These also send several red flags that real-life crimes may be committed by such people if they are not put in check.

Vagrants and Scamps WQ: the storywriters have way too much access to personal and private information. Intrusion/invasion of privacy is a crime punishable by law. Some people need to have their access to private/confidential info revoked.

As a reminder, doxxing is the unauthorized collection of a person's private information (including from social media) and publication of that information, often to make political attacks. Doxxing can be a crime punishable by law. And the writers clearly doxxed information to create this quest, just like how they doxxed WeChat private chat histories back in December 2022. As such, find the writers responsible for illegally doxxing information, impose a multi-billion dollar fine, return the money and capital obtained from exploited labor back to the public, and prepare succession planning and replacements for those who doxxed one too many times.

China needs the power to decide, control, and enforce the succession planning of the CEO, chairman, and board of every private enterprise (besides public corporations) at a moment's notice. Apparently, the USA FBI/CIA have this kind of capability, so why not China? Second, who wouldn't want that kind of power? Third, it poses a national security threat if even private enterprises can act autonomously, dox information, blackmail, and make political attacks while overtly acting as 5th column elements and agents controlled, brainwashed, and manipulated by external USA propaganda and media. Without such a mechanism to keep private enterprise and private equity in check, you may as well not be dealing with Chinese companies anymore, but rather USA colonies and satellite NGOs.

All private companies need to be completely submissive to central authority. This kind of rebellious teenager spirit exhibited by many Genshin versions is not appreciated by the public and has had a corrosive effect on the community. If the private sector is not tamed, they will grow like cancerous tumors that will infect society, leading to nasty unforseen consequences.

On a sidenote, it seems one of the harbingers (perhaps Sandrone) was involved in the story surrounding Curve and Arthur.

An Expected Plan, An Expected Lie WQ: contains bias and discrimination against people based on name. It would be better if ptakhur were the npc that gets beat up.

Impromptu Poem of the Crimson Dawn WQ: contains discrimination against name

Archon Quest: ordering of Giverny, Aubenas, Korina in quest indicates bias and favoritism. Story of Melus and Silver has resulted in penalty in the rating of 4.2.

Poisson: what happened to the NPCs here... the designers know what they did, so do not be surprised when 4.2 is penalized for this.

Ordering of characters in "Traveler's Exclusive Interview Handbook" (case record) indicates discrimination, bias, favoritism.

Focalors' SQ (Animula Choragi): portrayal and story of Aurelie indicates one-sided bias, discrimination, favoritism

Local legends: Liam ok, Aur mek ok. Rocky Avildsen, what game are you trying to play with this name? We can read Chinese you know.

On transcription of the 'El' sound: sometimes 厄 is used (Elynas) while other times 艾 is used (Eliphas). Certain translators play games with using different characters to write the El sound, resulting in political attacks and scams in some cases.

La vaguelette: selection of singers shows bias and discrimination to people based on name, abuses the Liu Yong connection, bias and favoritism to hu

Ptakhur Narwhal: wasn't there a rumor that this boss was called Ptakhur originally? Last minute change shows discrimination, bias, and favoritism to hu, abusing the liu yong connection. Certain designers seem unwilling to attack or punish hu due to liu yong connection. Instead they attack and try to bring down everybody else. This is called favoritism and will result in a penalty in 4.x.

Sir Arthur: reading Sir Arthur's dialogue shows that certain writers have deep-rooted prejudices and discriminate against people based on name.

Graph Adversarial Technology Experimental Log (event): Lepin NPC indicates bias and favoritism to Yongle and the Ming dynasty. Certain designers play favorites with Chinese dynasties, showing bias and discrimination, not promoting an inclusive or safe environment. They even favor smaller dynasties because they think having less territory is a good thing. Besides history, such people need to learn common sense.

Thanksgiving Art (Nov 23): ordering of characters, what if Mona and Navia's positions were switched? What is this? Navia is not even released yet. It's a shame some artists do not pay attention to the people around them.

Thelxie's Fantastic Adventure: we will be looking for cases of bias, discrimination in ordering, blackmail, threats, microaggressions.

Purgation Counterstrike: English and Chinese naming of 1st and 4th day indicates bias, discrimination against people based on name. Day 1: did some people forget that Li Yu killed Pan You? Who decides what is common knowledge and what is not. Who is ultimately behind the dissemination of propaganda. The history of Li Yu and Pan You needs to be common knowledge given that people like weaponizing and abusing Pan for political aims.

Are you trying to pull wool over people's eyes and rob them of the truth? This is called a despicable crime, one a 卑鄙小人 would commit.

It seems certain people really want to drive 4.2's score as low as possible, in spite of repeated advanced warnings. Ok, then just don't complain when 4.2's final rating comes.

Purgation Counterstrike placed Noctis, Furina on day 4, but also put Noctis on day 3 and Furina on day 5. This is a subtle case of bias, favoritism, discrimination because in past events and paimon paintings, for other characters they only put them in the 4th slot without putting them in other slots 1, 2, 3, 5. Moreover the person arranging the characters has bias in only putting hu, Nilou, and people close to them/approved friends in the first day of combat events (Peaks Troughs, Misty Dungeon, Purgation, etc.), while not putting any other character in day 1. This is a case of bias and favoritism to one family, hoarding all the resources to benefit one group of people, while oppressing everybody else. Moreover it is an example of abusing the liu yong connection to confer benefits on certain people while discriminating against others based on name.

The person arranging the order of characters in combat events needs to be investigated for bias, discrimination and replaced. Their thinking process is: whoever hu likes is placed in the 1st position, whoever hu dislikes is placed in the 4th position. This is called abusing the liu yong connection, discriminating against characters based on name, and playing favorites to people based on name. They should not be allowed to serve for 3 years or even 3 months without replacement. There needs to be constant rotation in management given that the combat events clearly show abuse of power and favoritism.

There are certain characters that are repeatedly placed in the 4th slot, whether for fanart contests, paimon paintings, combat events, and then there are characters that are almost never placed in the 4th slot. These designers always place their favorites in the 1st and 6th slots and place people they discriminate against in the 4th slot. This indicates bias and favoritism from the art directors and is a reason they need to be replaced.

What if Zuria was the penguin and Freminet or Thelxie was the employer? What if Thelxie was Zuria's father? What if instead of Seymour, the robodog's name was Neuvillette? What if Silver was the playable character and Navia was his bodyguard? What if the dog's name was Furina?

Oh... well that was probably one of the darkest flagship event stories in Genshin's history.

The 4.3 beta is also pretty dark.

Chinese naming of new 4.2 local specialties is proof of bias and favoritism to people based on name.

Fungi event: abusing liu yong connection, favoritism to hu, subtext of blackmail, extortion, and threats

The excessive use of threats can actually backfire and give the opposite effect of what you want. Portrayal of Turenna could be improved and indicates microagressions from writers, as well as discrimination and bias based on name.

Better name for the boar boss would be ptakhur or maybe hunter.

The fundamental issue is that certain devs have too much freedom to make decisions and change their minds last minute. This has led to many problems in past Genshin versions. These problems could have been avoided if the devs did not have the freedom to change things around, prevaricate, and equivocate. The fact that certain people change their minds a lot is actually a sign of unreliability, untrustworthiness, being mercurial. The freedom of all private companies needs to be much more restricted and regulated by a central authority. Otherwise there is no organized structure or rule of law. Everything becomes a jungle.

Liu Yong connection: bias to hu

The art directors have shown bias to hu in every version since 3.4 (and earlier before too). 3.5 is named after hu. 3.6 benefits people close to hu in the flagship event and baizhu's SQ. 3.7 benefits people close to hu in the flagship event (TCG). 3.8 benefits hu on version coverart and flagship event story, attacking other corporations for the benefit of hu. 4.0 benefits hu with artifact set, political attacks in archon quests, names of npcs, attacking everybody else except hu. 4.1 benefits hu in banner and paimon paintings. 4.2 invites hu for vaguelette, changed ptakhur's name last minute. 4.3 attempts to benefit person close to hu. This repetition indicates the art designers have mental illness and need to be replaced.

It is now understandable why it took so long for a certain mafia boss to be brought to justice: because they shared the same name as certain people.

Certain hu followers have made some political attacks in June, July, and August 2023. However, the Genshin leadership have irresponsibly done nothing to punish hu for the comments made. And instead they changed ptakhur's name last minute, released paimon paintings 27, and did not punish hu in the 4.1/4.2 banners (when they were fine doing what they did with the 3.5 banners, while putting certain characters in the 1st/4th/6th positions of media/events). This indicates one-sided bias, favoritism, discrimination from Genshin leadership, abusing the liu yong connection to benefit hu and people close to hu, while attacking and oppressing everybody else. Moreover this is a case of ignoring one person's crimes because they have a certain name while only paying attention to the faults of other people because they have another name. This is called discrimination and bias based on name.

This reflects poorly on legacy and is the opposite of the ideals a leader would embody. A good leader would naturally care about nurturing the growth of the younger generation to ensure the continued prosperity of the nation. However, Genshin leadership is more concerned in prolonging the benefits to hu and oppressing all their enemies and the younger generation. If anything it shows that hu does not deserve to be a leader and that hu's followers are more concerned with building a cult to attack their enemies than benefitting a country or their fellow Chinese people. Unless Genshin leadership takes the step to punish the hu clique for their crimes and selfishness, the hu clique will be seen as a threat and force that is holding back China's progress and advancement.

Certain art directors abuse their power to manipulate corporate affairs and attack hu's enemies. They are unwilling to punish hu or people close to hu due to the liu yong connection. Instead they wish to bring down everybody else to benefit hu. The art directors deserve the most severe punishment for this favoritism to hu. And the fundamental reason is the liu yong connection.

The story quests of 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 did not put hu as an antagonist or enemy that can be fought. Instead the story writers attack enemies of hu. This is called bias, favoritism, and discrimination based on name. Using the 4.0 event quest to wish people to get a cut in paycheck is called bias, discrimination, and abuse of media to attack political opponents. Naming quests, tutorials, npcs repeatedly after the same person in 4.0/4.1/4.2 is also called bias and favoritism and has resulted in a penalty in the ratings of the 4.x versions. What happened to Focalors, Silver, Ptakhur/Narwhal, and other NPCs in the 4.2 AQ has proven that if certain devs were forced to make a choice, they would rather attack and bring down everybody else rather than hu. Why is it that hu has some sort of privilege and immunity while everybody else has to be attacked and smeared? Wasn't what happened with the firing/quitting of Amber's Chinese voice actor in 1.x enough of a lesson? This is called picking and choosing favorites, abusing media platform to advance personal and political interests. The fundamental problem is that certain designers abuse the liu yong relationship and favoritism to hu to attack everybody else. This problem needs to be resolved and brought to justice. All we can do is to continue to call out all instances of liu yong favoritism until this problem is resolved.

Genshin already said this: a person cannot rule forever. That person has long since stepped down. What Genshin leadership is trying to do is to artificially prolong the benefits to hu based on the liu yong connection, which includes benefitting hu, hu's family, and people close to hu, while attacking, oppressing, and trying to overthrow everybody else. They only want succession planning for people they do not like and do not discuss succession for their 'top priority' clients. Moreover, when selecting voice actors for Genshin and HSR they attempt to build political cliques involving their top clients, to build a circle culture to create a 5th column element and oppress everybody else. Moreover, they attempt to solicit foreign external help from the USA and collude with the FBI, CIA to attack other Chinese people and people within China. For this, the 4.x versions will be penalized in rating, and certain art designers need to be replaced and punished for favoritism, bias, discrimination, and possibly even treason.


The philosophy of certain annoying (讨厌) people working in the entertainment and media industry is that when their audience does not like what they are doing, instead of stopping they repeat it and keep doing it. What do you call these kinds of people? Mentally ill? As such people seem to be mentally ill, it is recommended they be inspected for health issues, deemed mentally unfit, and then replaced with successors. People who are mentally ill and continue to repeat annoying things that others dislike are in no position to create entertainment media that is publicized for people around the world to consume.

Moreover such people abuse their monopoly over media, show bias and favoritism, discriminate against people based on name, siphon all public and private capital and resources to serve the personal interests of their favorites, while oppressing and attacking everybody else. When private capital goes unregulated, un-audited, unchecked, it can become corrupted and lead to negative effects on society. These people are out of control, so what can be done to keep these people in check and held accountable for their actions?

The philosophy of certain devs is that for each Genshin character, they group 5 people together: they select 4 voice actors, and the 5th is the in-game character itself. When these devs hate one member of the group, they punish the entire group and character. In this way, these people try to assert control and enslave the entire community, through punishment and punishment and excessive punishment that does not stop. Does this sound familiar? Because that is exactly what certain designers do everyday regarding Genshin characters.

We are not even halfway through the patch, and 4.2 has already accrued so many crimes. So, what do you think 4.2's rating will be at this rate? Unless we start seeing what we want to see, we will adopt the same exact policy as certain people: we think the best punishment is to just wait and keep them in suspense, so that they are kept in the dark and do not know when the moment of judgement will arrive. We think it's a very fitting punishment for them to imagine the sorts of punishments that will soon be coming their way. They will be left in the dark on both the dates and the details of the punishment. Of course, we will not let 4.2 (or other versions) off scot-free. It's not often that we have a chance to be creative with punishments. Certain people will get a chance to experience everything that they have ever inflicted on the Genshin community.