Version tierlist

Best versions (content, events)
Tier Versions
SS 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.3
S 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 2.5
A 2.7, 3.1, 2.0, 3.8, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 1.6, 4.0
B 2.2, 2.4
F 3.0, 2.6, 3.6, 3.7, 2.8, 4.3
Awaiting final verdict: 4.1
Tentative (will remain unless demonstrates extraordinary performance): 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7

Overall version scores (SS = 5, S = 4, A = 3, B = 2, F = 1):

Version 1 is an example of a 'perfect' version as no subversion dipped below A tier.

As it stands, Version 4.x is by far the worst version to date. The versions will not be re-evaluated until... If some people want to play the waiting game, we can also play the waiting game. Otherwise what is shown above will be the final ratings of version 4.x, and you can kiss goodbye to all chances of being better than Sumeru 3.x or Inazuma 2.x.

Volatility and sensitivity to USA interference

Version 1 is the best version to date overall: minimal interference from the pesky USA imperialists. Version 2 started strong but then got worse: the FBI and CIA started interfering more in fandom politics and inciting color revolutions. Version 3 started poorly: the CIA started to brainwash overseas media.

Failure to control overseas media on your own product will eventually result in you being controlled by overseas media. It is a kill or be killed world. You either imperialize others and take control of their media, or the foreigners will imperialize you.

Versions 2 and 3 as a whole are perhaps equally bad. Version 1 remains the best version to date by far. A challenge is: can version 4 be made to be better than versions 2 and 3? Asking for version 4 to be as good as version 1 is a tough ask (and probably not possible given the historic performance of versions 2 and 3). But asking for version 4 to be better than versions 2 and 3 is a bit more realistic.

General factors

What decides how good a version is? For the above, story content (archon story, character story, event story) is one of the most important factors that can kill an entire version if done poorly. This is what happened to 2.6 and 3.6. Other factors include the characters introduced, their overall design, the choice of banners (how unequal they are), the general quality of translations, the amount of political attacks contained in translations, permanent content, event content, version artwork (including cover, stickers, etc.).

New areas for exploration are introduced from time to time, but Genshin usually always gets an A+ for terrain design and exploration, so that is usually not a deciding factor (unless there is some major screw-up).

A rule of thumb is that the fewer political attacks made in a version, the better the version tends to fare.

A version with no political attacks/questionable decisions can easily be S tier

In an ideal world, every version would be placed at S or SS tier. The fact that some versions fall short and are rated at A, B, or F is more a reflection of certain people's decisions. Really, the only person that you should be asking is yourself. It is not that this site wants to put versions below S tier. It is more that certain people make decisions, even manipulated by USA propaganda, that ruin a version's potential.

An S tier version should be considered an ideal version, one that gets most of the content done right, with no weird political attacks or other things screwing up the presentation of art. Put it simply, if you resist your primal urges and do not go out of your way to make a political attack on someone in the story or events, then the version can make S tier or above. You will get rewarded for simply not doing something stupid or questionable.

The SS tier rating is a bit more selective. These are only reserved for versions that went above and beyond what is expected of S tier versions. An SS version will make people 10-20 years from now look back and remember: this is what made Genshin a great game. Being memorable is one thing. But bringing joy, delight, and relaxation to people's life is another characteristic of these versions: a feeling of satisfaction, utopia, paradise, bliss, rapture that is just so hard to find these days. Unlike for combat tierlists, the SS rating is not idly given out. It is only for the best of the best.

They say art is like a mirror, a reflection of the times and the era during which it was made. It is a reflection of the people in the world, their relationships, society, politics, the zeitgeist of the world. Likewise, this version tierlist is merely a reflection of the actions, choices, and decisions made by artists when they design version content, stories, events, art.

Rating definitions

A tier version is like a passing grade. Even if it has flaws, it has some merits too. But even among A grades, there can be subtle differences. It can be a "congrats you got an A, happy for you", or a "here's your A, take it and never come back to me or this class again". This site tends to be lenient and not too strict when grading, unless a version goes out of its way to be a jerk (and it seems like many 4.x versions are testing our leniency).

S tier version is good and can be used as a role model to demonstrate to the class. The last S tier version was 2.5, nearly 2 years ago. If Fontaine continues down the current path it is taking, then perhaps no 4.x version will be S tier. But we hope we are proven otherwise. It will take a very convincing presentation and compelling performance for this site to put a 4.x version at S tier given that no 3.x version made it to S tier.

SS tier version surpasses expectations. It can be published on the cover of the NY Times or however that saying goes. All current SS tier versions happened in 2021 (1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.3). Based on the performance of Fontaine, there may never be an SS version ever again. We hope we are proven otherwise.

B tier version means there is a major, crippling flaw. Something happened in the version that made it undesirable.

F tier: these versions need to be deleted from existence and wiped away from the irminsul.

Overall average

As of the end of 3.8 (including 3.8), the overall average rating of versions is 3.04, so barely above 3 (A). This is reflective of the overall rating of Genshin. An A tier game is fine, gets a passing grade. An S tier game is something one would recommend to friends to play. An SS tier game is what you can call a "must-play", setting a standard for the industry, even best of all time.

How does Genshin compare to other games? HL2 would be 4 or 5. FF7, FF6 would be above 4, close to 5. FF9 would be 4 or 5. Most Mario and Pokemon games maybe 4, some 5. Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite 4 or 5.

In its 1st year, Genshin had a very high rating of a 4.14 average. It could be recommended to others in 2020 and 2021. But 2nd and 3rd year (2.2+ Inazuma, Sumeru) caused a decline in Genshin's rating to below 4, which means one would not recommend Genshin in 2022 or 2023.

HSR would be less than 3. No HSR version would be above 3 (A, except maybe 1.0, but even then...) which means one would not recommend HSR to others.

Genshin's peak time probably passed already. Nowadays everything is too manipulated by USA interference, foreign imperialism, and bribery. Genshin got severely corrupted over time.


Version 2.6 is F tier because of the Inazuma event and Yoshinori. Version 3.0 is F tier because of Tighnari. Version 2.8 is F tier because of Kazuha. Version 2.2 is B tier because that was when the FBI and CIA entrapped and attacked the genshin fandom to overthrow their political enemies and incite color revolution.

Version 2.4 is B tier because the Ganyu-Zhongli banner represented succumbing and giving into USA imperialist demands. Moreover, Li Yu murdered Pan You, so the pairing of Ganyu-Zhongli suggests that certain people support the fact that Li Yu murdered Pan. The cover art of 3.8 further suggests that these people support Li Yu murdering Pan. This indicates discrimination against people based on name, hypocrisy, double standards, bribery, corruption.

Predicting in advance: Version 3.6 will probably be F tier because that is when Baizhu releases and the game may probably make some nasty political move involving Baizhu like what happened in 2.6. The game will have to do something extraordinary to make 3.6 not F tier.

Version 3.7 has been placed at F tier for the choice of Kajikawa Shohei (梶川翔平). A better choice for voice actor would be Fang since the game put that character in the event. Most of everything else would have qualified 3.7 for B or even A tier, but this immature choice sealed this version's fate. If hu tao, kokomi lost their matches, and wei failed to make the qualifications, then maybe the version would be B tier. But currently there are no redeeming features. To rule with severe punishment is even what Zhu Yuanzhang suggested. Thus, version 3.7 must be severely punished for this single mistake to discourage people from making the same mistake in the future and to ensure people remember their mistakes. Some people are pig-brained and only listen to other pigs, even if those pigs murdered 100,000 Chinese people.

It has happened again in Genshin's history: two F tier versions in a row. People have gotten into a really bad habit of waiting until the last day of an event to reveal a political attack or promote a political clique to serve the interests of their USA overlords, to engage in bribery and corruption and think that money can buy everything. If this trend continues, then we predict in advance that 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 will also be F tier. Until people grow up and unless Genshin does something extraordinary to reverse the trend, this rating for future versions will not change.

Version 3.8 could have been S tier if 1) in the version cover art, Klee, Collei, or Kokomi were in the 4th position and 2) if the choo-choo carts were given a different name (like what? ai-ai carts or meng-meng carts).

11/16/2023 update

After careful consideration, it has been decided to sentence 4.3 to F tier (rather than keep at tentative). It would take a miracle for 4.3's rating to improve, but we are cynical.

After reviewing the events that transpired in the USA this past week (11/16/2023 and before) and comparing this to the selection of voice actors for Navia, it has been concluded that the devs have intended to release Navia in 4.3 ever since they first chose her voice actors back around June 2023. Moreover, they chose to align all the dates surrounding the 4.3 beta in order to make political statements and attacks, to collude with USA and incite separatism, factionalism, and color revolution. This planned case of politically-motivated scheduling, combined with the 4.3 beta, is a big reason why 4.3 has been sentenced to F tier.

4.x has lost all opportunity to be a 'perfect' version (no version below A tier), not that it had much of a chance to begin with.

Certain people's decisions have had a negative impact on the broader community. Those who own large media platforms that can reach the lives of people around the world need to be held to greater public accountability and responsibility as it is too easy for them to abuse their monopoly over media to make political attacks and damage society.

Unfortunately, because of 4.3, we do not believe Genshin deserves to have a very long shelf life. Genshin is nearing the end of its life cycle. It is time for replacements, to find new games.

If 4.4 abuses the liu yong relationship to give favoritism to hu, 4.4 will automatically be F tier.

It is an injustice that some people have to wait and be tested for several versions while others get released much quicker? This same thing happened in 3.0/3.1. Literally 3.0 could have been better if Cyno released first. Ayaka, Lyney also featured in the Travail teaser and released first in their regions. So why delay Cyno? People are literally like if you have one name we will delay you, but if you have another name we will release you asap. Moreover, if you have one name, we will be sure to release you with all your friends and allies, but if you have another name, we are going to try to smear you and release you with all your enemies. This itself is a form of discrimination and indicator of poor judgement.