This is proof that Fontaine characters are based on other countries such as Britain, not just France.

So it seems Azhdaha got promoted to administrator of Meropide. This is an example of career progression. Cyno / Jing Yuan could also benefit from career growth.

History: British empire and the East

For the past 2000 years, China was usually always one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful civilization on Earth. The Han dynasty defeated the Huns, and the Huns would later cause the collapse of the Roman empire (so one could say Liu Che essentially caused the collapse of the Roman empire). The Tang dynasty defeated the Gokturks, and the Turks would later conquer the west as well. And this culminated in the Mongol empire.

However, the British empire is proof that a western empire can be more powerful in history. When Alexandrina Victoria defeated the Qing dynasty, she proved that she and the British empire were the strongest in the world at the time. This is something even the USA can admire. After all the USA could not even defeat Mao Zedong in the Korean or Vietnam wars. So the Anglo-Saxon countries are proof that western nations can be equal to or more powerful than eastern counterparts.

Look at what happened to the Qing in the 1800s. Alexandrina basically dominated the Qing during that century.

Enduring legacy of Pax Britannica: building something that truly lasts

Nowadays, 1 billion Chinese people learn English not Mongolian. So in this sense, the British empire seems to have had a more enduring impact on China than the Mongols. Why does Hong Kong exist in the first place? Why is English on the gaokao exam in China? Why do 1 billion people in China have to learn English anyways? All this can be traced back to Alexandrina Victoria.

And this will continue for the foreseeable future: your children will learn English, your childrens' children will learn English. Many Chinese will continue to send their children to study overseas in the USA, Britain, and other English-speaking countries. This kind of legacy, if not godlike, can only be described as superhuman.

The deep influence queen Alex had on China is hard to change. She continues to impact China to this day, even 200 years later. That is called true power and superhuman strength.

It is harder for the USA to change this, so in a sense the USA is even more dominated by Alexandrina's legacy. What is the USA going to do? Change its official language to Spanish or Chinese? As long as the USA continues to speak English and spread the English culture around the world, it is living in Alexandrina's legacy and continuing to serve it.

So in this sense, the USA is actually the biggest and most powerful guardian of Alexandrina's legacy.


Wrio is the first cryo catalyst introduced in the game.

In terms of team building, the character Wrio is most similar to is probably Ayaka. Minor difference is Ayaka is more focused on CA, whereas Wrio tends to do more NA. Similar to Ayaka, Wrio applies cryo fast, so he is not usually the one melting.

Supports: Shenhe, anemo vv, Bennett, hydro applicator for freeze (Yelan, XQ, Furina, etc.), Mona, Dehya, Yun Jin, Thoma, XL, Charlotte (esp. when paired with Furina), Mika (for atk spd), Diona, Layla.

His miscellany video showed an example burn melt team with Dehya, Nahida, Wrio. Yaoyao can also be used.

And then there are those special people who play Wrio in hyperbloom ('fridge') or burgeon ('oven') teams. While he can be played in freeze, note that some of his attacks may shatter the enemy.

Kit seems similar to Scaramouche (E and Q). Q is a 5-hit nuke like Scaramouche. C2 gives dmg bonus to Q like Scaramouche.

His E (Icefang Rush) lasts 10s with a 16s cd (so 6s of downtime). Moreover when his hp is above 50%, his E gives a multiplicative buff to his NA (chilling penalty state). So far, this is similar to Scaramouche (and the multiplier buff is also similar to Yoimiya), except for the hp part. But Wrio's E will also cause his NA to drain HP every .1s. This is not Scaramouche.

With his passive, when his hp dips below 60% during his E, his next CA (rebuke: vaulting fist, a sky uppercut) will deal 50% more dmg and heal 30% hp (gracious rebuke). This is actually quite unique among dps units. This effect occurs once per 5s, so this allows 2 buffed CA during his 10s E. He can use this buffed CA outside his E state too. Gracious rebuke is indicated by a sinister red glow around him.

His E state (chilling penalty) is indicated by a cryo wolf hovering near him. Note that if he is paired with a healer (like Bennett in melt or Kuki in fridge), then it is possible he might not dip below 60% hp and not use his special CA. At C0 this is ok since most of his damage is from his NA, so this is not exactly 'anti-synergy' with healers. It is more like a part of his kit (the special CA) is not used much if he is paired with a healer. But his C1 can 'solve' this as it allows him to use his special CA after N5 string.

His other passive gives him 6% atk each time his hp changes during his E, up to 5 edict stacks for 30% atk buff.

Scaramouche and Noctis have range on their attacks, whereas Wrio seems to be more of a close-range melee fighter, suiting his boxing background.

Wrio is the British version of Scaramouche. (What's that supposed to mean?)

Some say Wrio looks like Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day. So some people are not the only ones thinking this.

Wrio can ice box his way across water. So we have Mona and Ayaka who can sprint across water, Noctis who can hover and drift across water (when using CA), Kaeya who can icebridge across water.

Wrio's CA can deal poise damage and break ore. This makes some sense as he uses mechanical boxing gloves. Heizou, Yanfei, Klee, Ning can also break ore.


C1: in his E state when the 5th NA hits, he will get gracious rebuke (for buffed CA). This can happen once per 2.5s. Also, this buffed CA will deal 200% more dmg (compared to 50% at C0). Moreover, when this buffed CA hits, it will extend his E state by 4s (happens once per E).

So basically he can use his buffed CA more, his CA does much more damage, and his E lasts longer. Wrio's C1 is probably one of the best C1 in the game. It is so good that some people have even suggested this should be a C0 effect.

C2: each edict stack increases his Q dmg by 40%, up to 200%. This is similar to Scaramouche's C2 and is a pretty big boost to his nuke's damage.

C3 gives +3 levels to NA.

C4 increases his self healing to 50% hp. Moreover if Wrio is healed, and the healing overflows, it will give atk spd to either himself or the team based on whether he is on or off field. This is probably one of the first constellations based on overflow healing.

C5 gives +3 levels to Q.

C6: the special CA (rebuke: vaulting fist) will have 10% more cr and 80% more cd. Moreover the CA will create another icicle that does 100% of the CA's base dmg as cryo dmg (count as CA dmg). So this buffs his CA even more to make it like a nuke.

In all his C1 and C2 are pretty big boosts to his damage. His C6 further increases the nuking capabilities of his CA. Given that his constellations seem quite focused on buffing his CA, it does seem to suggest that Wrio can be played as a CA nuker, where his special CA will be melting and nuking the enemy. So whereas Ayaka is more a freeze dps, Wrio's kit tends to open itself to a more melt CA nuke playstyle.


Blizzard or Marechausse 4p can work. Blizzard is more for freeze, whereas Marechausse can work for melt. Other interesting options include Vermillion, Shimenawa, and other mixed sets.

Do standard atk-cryo-crit. For substats: crit, atk, er, and maybe em if doing melt builds.

For weapons, his signature Cashflow is good. Other options include Kagura, Eternal Flow (Aeon), Solar Pearl, Widsith, Toledo.


During his 10s E, he can do his 5-hit NA combo 3 times. So suppose in his 16s rotation, he does his full NA combo 3 times and 2 buffed CA. Suppose lv10 NA, E, Q. Suppose 46.6% cryo dmg. If using Marechausse, then it gives 15% to NA/CA, so 61.6% dmg bonus for NA/CA.

At lv10 his full NA combo has 669.98% scaling. His CA has 275.33% scaling. His E multiplies his NA by 170.31%. If he does 3 NA combos in 16s the dps is $$x_n = 3*669.98*1.7031*1.616/16 = 345.736010214$$ If he does 2 buffed CA (50% more dmg) the dps is $$x_c = 275.33*(1.616+.5)/16 = 36.4123925$$ So the CA does not contribute too much to the dps compared to his NA. The CA is really for healing and doing big numbers. Of course, his C1 and C6 can further increase his CA damage by a lot.

The hp drain 4.5% hp per .1s or per NA. So after 10 NA hits, he can drain 45% hp. Recall if he is below 50% he loses the multiplier buff to his NA, so Wrio does want to be healed (either pair with healer or use his special CA for that purpose).

His Q dps is $$x_q = 228.96*5*1.466/15 = 111.88512$$

The above calcs ignore the 30% atk buff he can gain from his passive. We also ignore any potential melts.

The total dps is $$x_0 = x_n + x_c + x_q = 494.033522714$$


In the AQ, Wrio shows us a mega project he is working on: reconstructing a ship similar to Remus' Golden Fortuna to survive the flood. This combined with his role as Duke of Meropide shows his personal ambition as a 'self-made man'. When many Europeans migrated to the Americas or other overseas territories centuries before, many of them perhaps were seeking to fulfill their own ambitions and dreams (whether economic, spiritual, etc.) in a new land, away from the wars and other pushing factors at their home.

Speaking of ships, there seems to be a rather... let's just say 'interesting' part of the fandom dedicated to special kinds of 'ships'. For example, Wrio seems to have a rather 'special' relationship with Noctis.

If you want to compare Noctis and Wrio, then Wrio appears to have access to more supports such as Yelan and XQ as Wrio's dps also involves NA, whereas Noctis is CA-based.

Miscellany video

Three years in, it is apparent that Dainsleif, as a Khaenriah person, has a kind of disdain for the gods. This is evidenced in the multiple miscellany videos narrating different characters and archons, as well as his comments on Noctis, whose dragon authority was taken away by Furina (to be a bit more precise, the dragon authority was taken away by the Primordial One, sealed in a gnosis, and given to Furina).

In Wrio's miscellany video, one can hear Dain's smirk in what appears to be a subtle jab at Furina: "the condemned willingly serve the gods... but have they ever considered that the gods may be unable to bring them the consolation they long for?"

Story Quest (Cerberus Chapter)

Thinking about Jingliu and Furina, Du Fu (杜甫) is indeed one of the greatest poets in Chinese and world history.

So it seems Wrio's adopted mother was Yu Huaying...